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 HyperCube-based Access Control Management System
The Scripting Language

All functionalities required to manipulate each data type and to test their values are covered by the language: you can create cubes, add/remove/re-order dimensions, add/remove/update coordinates, create group of coordinates, add and remove members, …

 Important features

Block of commands

Commands can be grouped in block and associated with assertions to be checked BEFORE commiting the changes to the repository.
This is important to guarantee that any change has the expected effect (as long as you use the feature… of course)

Explanation of access evaluation

Along with supporting the classical voting mechanisms (affirmative, unanimous, consensus) and the "get authorities for" verb, the language can provide clear explanations of why an evaluation produces this particular result.
This feature highly reduces the operating cost by simplifying the support effort.

eval path { (ID = (ID | EMAIL) ,)* ID = (ID | EMAIL) } (context { (ID = QUOTED ,)* ID = QUOTED })? in ID with (Voter.affirmative | Voter.consensus | Voter.unanimous) (allowsMissingDim)?

explain path { (ID = (ID | EMAIL) ,)* ID = (ID | EMAIL) } (context { (ID = QUOTED ,)* ID = QUOTED })? in ID
with (Voter.affirmative | Voter.consensus | Voter.unanimous) (format (CSV | TAB | JSON | XML | RDF))?

getauthorities { (ID = (ID | EMAIL) ,)* ID = (ID | EMAIL) } (in ID)?

Export in various format

Cube, dimension and coordinates can be indivually dumped in various format: CSV, TAB, JSON, XML, RDF and most important HCACMS script language itself.
This yet one of the feature simplifying the maintenance and the support.

Aiming large organizations

Large set of language verbs are aiming the specific problematic of large organizations like internal re-organisation moving people form one business unit to another one, opening access to a new application to large set of people, …

 For programmer by programmer…

Programming constructs

if … else … 

logical operations AND, OR, XOR, NOT

macro definitions with parameters